Municipality of Centar Zupa
Municipality of Centar Zupa
Општина Центар Жупа

Statistical region:Southwestern
GPS Coordinates:41° 27' 29.4" N, 20° 35' 18.16" E
Area:107 km2 (66.49 sq mi)
Area phone code:046
Car plates:OH
Inhabited places:23
Population:6,519 - 2002 census
Population density:60.93 people/km2 (98.04 people/sq mi)
Address:Municipality of Centar Zupa
1258 Centar Zupa, Macedonia -
Places in Municipality of Centar Zupa
Centar Zupa (village) - seat of Municipality of Centar Zupa
Villages Centar Zupa municipality (23)
- Bajramovci
- Balanci
- Brestani
- Brostica
- Centar Zupa
- Crno Boci
- Dolgas
- Dolno Melnicani
- Elevci
- Evla
- Golem Papradnik
- Gorenci
- Gorno Melnicani
- Kocista
- Kodzadzik
- Mal Papradnik
- Novak
- Odzovci
- Osolnica
- Paresi
- Pralenik
- Vlasikji
- Zitineni
About Municipality of Centar Zupa
Centar Zupa is a municipality in the southwestern part of Republic of Macedonia. Centar Zhupa is the name of the village where the municipal seat is found. Centar Zupa municipality is part of Southwestern statistical/administrative region of Macedonia.
The population of the Centar Zupa municipality is 6,519 of whom 800 live in the municipality center Centar Zhupa, while the rest lives in the villages of the municipality.
Municipality of Centar Zupa map
Welcome to the Centar Zupa municipality google satellite map!
Centar Zupa municipality is situated in Southwestern region of Macedonia, and its central area coordinates are 41° 27’ 29.4” North, 20° 35’ 18.16” East and its original name (with diacritics) is Centar Zupa.
Centar Zupa hotels map is available on the target page linked above.
Municipality of Centar Zupa google satellite map
Photos nearby Municipality of Centar Zupa area
See Municipality of Centar Zupa photos and images from satellite below, explore the aerial photographs of Municipality of Centar Zupa in Macedonia.