» Culture » Blaže Koneski

BLAŽE KONESKI (1921-1993)

Blaže Koneski was a poet, narrator, essayist, and Slavist, born in the Nebregovo village, near Prilep in 1921. His appearance signified the beginning of the contemporary Macedonian literature.

Koneski's first poetic work was the poem Mostovi (Bridges), published 1945. His first song collection is Zemjata i ljubovta (The Land and Love) (patriotic songs), several song collections followed: Vezilka (The Embroiderer), Lozje (Vineyard), Cheshmishte (Spring), Poslanie (Epistle), Crkva (Church), Zlatovrv, Seizmograf (Seismograph), Nebeska reka (Heavenly River), and Crn oven (Black Ram); his novel entitled Dnevnik po mnogu godini (Diary after many years) - lyrical prose.

Blaže Koneski was translator of the works of many famous poets of the European literature: Hayne's Lirski intermeco (Lyrical Intermezzo), Njegosh's Gorski venec (Mountainous Wreath), Pesni (Songs) from A. Block etc.

Koneski was one of the most famous slavists, not only in Macedonia, but in the world. He was one of the designers of the Pravopis na makedonskiot literaturen jazik (Orthography of the Macedonian standard language), editor of the Rechnik na Makedonskiot jazik (Macedonian language Dictionary), and author of several literary works: Za Makedonskiot literaturen jazik (On Macedonian standard language), Za Makedonskata literatura (On Macedonian Literature), Istorijata na Makedonskiot literaturen jazik (The History of the Macedonian language), Gramatika na Makedonskiot jazik (The Macedonian language Grammar).

Blaže Koneski was member of the Macedonian Academy of Science and Art (MANU) and its first president. He gained special awards for his literary and cultural activity.


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