Municipality of Cesinovo-Oblesevo
Municipality of Cesinovo-Oblesevo
Општина Чешиново-Облешево

Statistical region:Eastern
GPS Coordinates:41° 52' 21.46" N, 22° 18' 19.21" E
Area:133 km2 (82.64 sq mi)
Area phone code:032
Car plates:ŠT
Inhabited places:14
Population:7,490 - 2002 census
Population density:56.32 people/km2 (90.63 people/sq mi)
Address:Municipality of Cesinovo-Oblesevo
2301 Oblesevo, Macedonia -
Phone:+389 (0)33 355 801
Places in Municipality of Cesinovo-Oblesevo
Oblesevo (village) - seat of Municipality of Cesinovo-Oblesevo
Villages Cesinovo-Oblesevo municipality (14)
- Banja
- Burilcevo
- Cesinovo
- Ciflik
- Kucinino
- Lepopelci
- Novoselani
- Oblesevo
- Sokolarci
- Spancevo
- Teranci
- Ularci
- Vrbica
- Ziganci
About Municipality of Cesinovo-Oblesevo
Cesinovo-Oblesevo is a municipality in the eastern part of Republic of Macedonia. Obleshevo is the name of the village where the municipal seat is found. Cesinovo-Oblesevo municipality is part of Eastern statistical/administrative region of Macedonia.
The population of the Cesinovo-Oblesevo municipality is 7,490 of whom 1,131 live in the municipality center Obleshevo, while the rest lives in the villages of the municipality.
Municipality of Cesinovo-Oblesevo map
Welcome to the Cesinovo-Oblesevo municipality google satellite map!
Cesinovo-Oblesevo municipality is situated in Eastern region of Macedonia, and its central area coordinates are 41° 52’ 21.46” North, 22° 18’ 19.21” East and its original name (with diacritics) is Cesinovo-Oblesevo.
Cesinovo-Oblesevo hotels map is available on the target page linked above.
Municipality of Cesinovo-Oblesevo google satellite map
Photos nearby Municipality of Cesinovo-Oblesevo area
See Municipality of Cesinovo-Oblesevo photos and images from satellite below, explore the aerial photographs of Municipality of Cesinovo-Oblesevo in Macedonia. doesn't own or control these photos.
Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.
Municipalities in Eastern region
- Municipality of Berovo
- Municipality of Delcevo
- Municipality of Karbinci
- Municipality of Kocani
- Municipality of Lozovo
- Municipality of Makedonska Kamenica
- Municipality of Pehcevo
- Municipality of Probistip
- Municipality of Stip
- Municipality of Sveti Nikole
- Municipality of Vinica
- Municipality of Zrnovci